Best Licensed Plumber Hong Kong 2024.
Hire an experienced plumber in Hong Kong at a price that’s right for you.

    • Get free quotes to find the best licensed plumber Hong Kong has to offer!

      Browse these plumbers in Hong Kong available for hire

      licensed plumber hong kong

      Licensed Plumber Hong Kong

      by CFE

      5 star rating

      If you are looking for a government licensed plumber Hong Kong company CFE is a great choice for you. They have been in the business for 20 years. No matter what plumbing job you may have, from installation of drainage systems to unclogging of sinks, you can rely on them to give you top quality services.

      licensed plumber hong kong

      Licensed Plumber Hong Kong

      by ELE

      5 star rating

      Whether it is a public holiday or the middle of the night, you can rely on ELE to send you a plumber in Hong Kong who is licensed and well-equipped to do the job. Their offices open 365 days a year to ensure they are there whenever you need them.

      licensed plumber hong kong

      Plumber HK

      by VHR

      5 star rating

      Whether the job requires major installation or is a simple repair job contact the VHR plumber in HK to take care of it. They offer services that are reliable and of high quality and respond to your call in record time. Trust them with any plumbing work for your house.

    • licensed plumber hong kong

      HK Plumbing

      by EFH

      5 star rating

      When the plumbing in your house is not working efficiently it can cause you stress. EFH is a licensed HK plumbing service provider with a team of professional technicians that you can rely on to take care of all your plumbing works. They have been in operation for 25 years.

      licensed plumber hong kong

      Professional Plumbing

      by CKD

      5 star rating

      For many years CKD has been providing professional plumbing services to people in Hong Kong. Their services cover a variety of jobs from leak detection and repair, drain cleaning to toilet installation and repair. Their fully qualified and experienced technicians are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    • Browse some more to find the best licensed plumber Hong Kong has to offer

      licensed plumber hong kong

      Affordable Plumbing

      by ODH

      5 star rating

      If you are looking for someone who can carry out affordable plumbing work, contact ODH. Whether it is to install, repair or unclog your sink, toilet or bath they will charge you prices that are extremely competitive. Contact them for all your plumbing work no matter how big or small.

      licensed plumber hong kong

      Licensed Plumber

      by MTH

      5 star rating

      MTH is a licensed plumber who is not only capable but willing to take care of your plumbing issues to your satisfaction. They provide professional and dedicated services to whatever job you have for them and ensure it is done to the highest level possible and in the shortest time.

      licensed plumber hong kong

      Hong Kong Plumber

      by MKH

      5 star rating

      From leaking faucets to clogged drains and toilets, MKH is a Hong Kong plumber that you can call on to take care of your problem. Whether the problem is in your kitchen, toilet or bathroom, they offer professional services that are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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We hope you enjoy your search for the best licensed plumber Hong Kong has to offer.

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Last Updated: 01. January 2024